The Best Motivational Books

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Another insightful book written “The Secret of Leadership” by Prakash Iyer. Rahul Dravid has written the foreword for this book. And, in it he talks about the beauty of storytelling and how it teaches us without even appearing to do so. Storytelling imparts wisdom while keeping the listener engaged and entertained.


Prakash Iyer uses 60 engrossing stories to cover the entire spectrum of personal, and professional growth, and organizational development. The book starts with inspiring leadership insights derived from Edmund Hillary’s life. His perseverance was so strong that he once went to base camp, looked up at Mount Everest, and screamed,

‘I will come again and conquer you! Because as a mountain, you cant grow. But as a human, I can!’

His journey stands as an inspiring example of how we all can climb any mountain, no matter how high, if we set our sights on it. The portrayal of Hillary’s leadership qualities in the introduction of the book is done beautifully.


The Habit of Winning by Prakash Iyer is a collection of inspiring stories with lessons from cricketer to businessman which will inspire you to unleash your full potential as well as to help others to do the same. so let’s start a book summary of the habit of winning.


Stephen R. Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, continues to be a best seller for the simple reason that it ignores trends and pop psychology and focuses on timeless principles of fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity.

One of the most compelling books ever written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, have empowered and inspired readers for over 25 years and played a part in the transformation of millions of lives, across all age groups and professions.


In the spirit of THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE, the international bestseller, FIRST THINGS FIRST is a revolutionary guide to managing your time by learning how to balance your life. Traditional time management suggests that working harder, smarter and faster will help you gain control of your life, and that increased control will bring peace and fulfillment. The authors of FIRST THINGS FIRST disagree. In the first real breakthrough in time management in years, Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R. Merrill apply the insights of the 7 HABITS to the daily problems of people who must struggle with the ever-increasing demands of work and home life. Rather than focusing on time and things, FIRST THINGS FIRST emphasizes relationships and results. And instead of efficiency, this new approach emphasizes effectiveness. Covey offers a principle-centered approach that will empower readers to define what is truly important; to accomplish worthwhile goals; and to lead rich, rewarding and balanced lives.


We all fail to realize the purpose of our life. We do live and fulfil most of our dreams, yet feel something missing within us. This feeling of being lost and wandering around often comes without any answers which can get frustrating and draining. This is exactly why we all need some ‘magic’ in our life to help us out. This is where Rhonda Byrne’s ‘The Magic’ enters the fray.


Regarded as a life-changing read by many readers, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is a self-help book that embarks to motivate the reader about a universal paradigm about success that can be achieved through it remains hidden for most people. The book explores about unveiling this little secret which may transform how people look at things and lead them on to the road of success and true happiness.


A renowned inspirational fiction, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a revealing story that offers the readers a simple yet profound way to live life. The plot of this story revolves around Julian Mantle, a lawyer who has made his fortune and name in the profession. A sudden heart attack creates havoc in the successful lawyer’s life. Jolted by the sudden onset of the illness, his practice comes to a standstill. He ponders over material success being worth it all, renounces all of it, and leaves for India.

Predictably Irrational

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions is a book on human behavior which tries to understand why we humans tend to make certain decisions and behave in certain ways. This book takes into account human reactions across a wide range of situations and tries to decipher the reasons. The main aspect of this book is to find out the process behind decision-making. The intriguing language of this book along with the powerful narration makes this book a must-have. This book has been written by Dan Ariely and was published by HarperCollins Publications in 2010.

The things we do, buy, or experience are all based on the decisions we make. To lead a happy and prosperous life, one must make the right decisions, which only happens after one gathers an understanding of how these decisions are made. This book tries to answer this basic question.

The author uses various real life examples that enable the readers to understand that most of our decisions in life tend to be irrational. It consists of 15 well-detailed chapters which speak about points like the truth about relativity and the attraction for words like ‘zero’ and ‘free’. The author further states that these 2 words tend to influence our thinking which ultimately affects our decision making rationality.


Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you different kind of books. You can carry this book where ever you want. It is easy to carry. It can be an ideal gift to yourself and to your loved ones. Care instruction keeps away from fire.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is one of the most promising self improvement books that you can gift to yourself or your loved ones. This book is designed to help you improve your relationships, health, and also to give you an internal strength that makes every hurdle look small.

Think and Grow Rich

Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought. since its first publication in 1937, think and Grow Rich has been considered the best self-help book in the world. A Bible for people seeking riches and prosperity, this book draws on the life stories of the wealthiest and most successful people of all time. Through this book Napoleon Hill will teach you what to do, and how to do it, to achieve lasting and unprecedented success. In this updated edition, the editors Bill and Ann Hartley have provided commentaries on many passages of the original text and examples of many more successful people, some of whom were inventors, senators, leaders of business and strategy, and even presidents of countries. Change your life as you learn to be the master of your fate and the Captain of your soul? through this powerful book.


Who Moved My Cheese? is a simple parable that reveals profound truths. It is the amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. Cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life, for example a good job , a loving relationship, money or possessions, health or spiritual peace of mind. The maze is where you look for what you want, perhaps the organization you work in, or the family or community you live in. The problem is that the cheese keeps moving.

One Minute Teacher

Dr Spencer Johnson’s pioneering work in unleashing potential through better communication is most evident from his bestselling books, among them The One Minute Manager, The One Minute Mother, Who Moved My Cheese? and The Present. Combining his insight with the skills of life-long teacher Constance Johnson, this book offers an invaluable new strategy for learning.


“One of the most important books I’ve ever read―an indispensable guide to thinking clearly about the world.” – Bill Gates “Hans Rosling tells the story of ‘the secret silent miracle of human progress’ as only he can. But Factfulness does much more than that. It also explains why progress is so often secret and silent and teaches readers how to see it clearly.” Melinda Gates “Factfulness by Hans Rosling, an outstanding international public health expert, is a hopeful book about the potential for human progress when we work off facts rather than our inherent biases.” – Former U.S. President Barack Obama Factfulness: The stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts.

You Can Win

An easy-to-read, practical, common-sense guide that will take you from ancient wisdom to modern-day thinking, You Can Win helps you establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose, and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It guarantees, as the title suggests, a lifetime of success. The book enables you to translate positive thinking into attitude, ambition and action to give you the winning edge.

The Present

The 4-Hour Work Week

Click here to buy the book

Wings of Fire

Every common man who by his sheer grit and hard work achieves success should share his story with the rest for they may find inspiration and strength to go on, in his story. The ‘Wings of Fire’ is one such autobiography by visionary scientist Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, who from very humble beginnings rose to be the President of India. The book is full of insights, personal moments and life experiences of Dr. Kalam. It gives us an understanding on his journey of success.

Dr. Kalam by narrating his life journey evokes the reader to identify with one?s inner fire and potential, for he was of the firm belief that each one of us was born with the strength and potential to make a tangible change in the world. How he inspired himself to achieve dreams and how he went about accomplishing so much is what the book captures nicely.

I Dare

The saga of India s first and the highest ranked woman officer in the Indian Police Service who pioneered a humane method of policing marked by willpower, devotion to duty, innovation, and compassion and, above all, a never-say-die attitude… The eyewitness account forthright and unsparing in this fully revised and updated edition provides a well-documented exposé of the sabotage of police reforms (to be implemented as per a verdict of the Supreme Court of India) by certain bureaucrats and by some members of Kiran Bedi s own service. These persons also blocked her appointment as police commissioner. This kind of sabotage was the proverbial last straw that compelled her to shake off the shackles . After a long and rewarding innings (35 years in all), Kiran Bedi decided to move on. She believed that she could no longer work with persons who were keeping the system enslaved. She was clear in her mind that she was not going to be subordinated by this team of saboteurs. What direction and leadership would such persons provide except to create pygmies and stifle initiative and crush morale? She did not want to be a part of such dubious history .

The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking

A collection of most influential self help books includes the 3 bestsellers in English which have inspired readers for generations. Packed with wisdom and time-tested principles that are as relevant in modern times as ever before, these inspirational books are a must-read for all those aspiring for personal growth and wealth. This set includes: The quick and easy way to effective speaking the power of your Subconscious mind think and Grow Rich.

The 10x Rule: Grant Cardone

  • In his book “The 10X Rule,” author and motivational speaker Grant Cardone argues that success in life and business requires a level of commitment and effort that is beyond what most people are willing to give. The 10X Rule is about setting goals that are ten times bigger than what you originally thought possible and then putting in ten times the effort to achieve them. Cardone explains that most people underestimate the amount of effort required to succeed and settle for mediocre results as a result. By adopting the 10X mindset, however, Cardone believes that anyone can become more motivated, focused, and productive, leading to greater success in all areas of life. The book provides practical strategies for implementing the 10X Rule, including ways to overcome fear, cultivate a strong work ethic, and think creatively about problem-solving. Overall, “The 10X Rule” is an inspiring and powerful guide for anyone seeking to achieve more and reach their full potential.


Ikigai : Japanese Art of staying Young.. While growing Old : Keira Miki

The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles explores the concept of ikigai, which roughly translates to “the reason for being” or “the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning.” The authors delve into the history and culture surrounding ikigai in Japan, as well as providing practical advice for readers to discover their own personal ikigai. Through anecdotes, interviews, and research, this book offers a refreshing perspective on finding purpose and fulfillment in life. Whether you’re feeling lost or just looking for inspiration, “Ikigai” is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of what motivates us and brings us joy.

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