The Best-Seller Spiritual Books

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Modern Man In Search Of Religion

Modern man is a victim of various conflicting forces which stand in the way of discovering himself. In the pages of this book are discussed some of the problems which tend to obscure the spiritual vision of man in the present age, and the possibility of his transcending them.

Who Will Cry When You Die?

Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Do You Feel that life is slipping by so fast that you might never get the chance to live with the meaning, happiness and joy you know you deserve? If so, then this book will be the guiding light that leads you to a brilliant new way of living.

In this easy-to-read yet wisdom-rich manual, the author offers 101 simple solutions to life most complex problems, ranging from a little-known method for beating stress and worry to a powerful way to enjoy the journey while you create a legacy that lasts.

When You Were Born, You Cried While The World Rejoiced. Live Your Life In Such A Way That When You Die, The World Cries While You Rejoice.? Ancient Sanskrit Saying…

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

A renowned inspirational fiction, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a revealing story that offers the readers a simple yet profound way to live life. The plot of this story revolves around Julian Mantle, a lawyer who has made his fortune and name in the profession. A sudden heart-attack creates havoc in the successful lawyers life. Jolted by the sudden onset of the illness, his practice comes to a standstill. He ponders over material success being worth it all, renounces all of it and leaves for India.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

The Brain: The Story of You

This is the story of how your life shapes your brain and how your brain shapes your life.’

Join renowned neuroscientist David Eagleman on a whistle-stop tour of the inner cosmos. It’s a journey that will take you into the world of extreme sports, criminal justice, genocide, brain surgery, robotics and the search for immortality. On the way, amidst the infinitely dense tangle of brain cells and their trillions of connections, something emerges that you might not have expected to see…

Secret Life of Water

From its arrival on earth to the vast areas it traverses before emptying into the sea, water holds all the knowledge and experience it has acquired. As phenomenal as it may seem, water carries its whole history, just as we carry ours. It carries secrets, too.

In The Secret Life of Water, bestselling author Masaru Emoto guides us along water’s remarkable journey through our planet and continues his work to reveal water’s secret life to humankind. He shows how we can apply its wisdom to our own lives, and how, by learning to respect and appreciate water, we can better confront the challenges that face the twenty-first century—and rejuvenate the planet.


As a man thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he. Have you wondered why someone is joyous while another is miserable; why someone is fearful and anxious and another is exuding confidence; why so many good and kind people suffer the tortures of life? Dr Joseph Murphy answers these questions in his bestselling self-help book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. He reveals the innate powers of the subconscious mind by fusing his spiritual wisdom and scientific research. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is one of the most inspirational guides of all time. It has helped millions across the globe achieve extraordinary goals and bring drastic improvements in their lives. And this, he says, can be done simply by changing the way one thinks. Packed with case studies of actual success stories, this book will help you unleash your mental powers, build confidence, create well-balanced friendships, improve your marriage, amass wealth, conquer phobias, dispel bad habits, and even heal minor health ailments.

Conversations With God

During the lowest point of his life, a man begins writing letters to God to vent his frustrations – and unexpectedly receives answers to his questions, written by his own hand. The bestselling spiritual classic that has now sold millions of copies world-wide.

The Power of Now

This beautiful journal is filled with carefully chosen, inspiring quotes from Eckhart Tolle’s masterpiece, The Power of Now.

Terms like groundbreaking and life-changing are often used to describe books, but not always accurately. They are when describing The Power of Now, which has become a genuine cultural phenomenon. Oprah Winfrey keeps it at her bedside and calls it “one of the most valuable books I’ve ever read.” Katy Perry says it inspired her song “This Moment.” Director Tom Ford asked everyone in his film A Single Man to read it — and on and on.

Resilience from the Heart

In this compelling revised edition of his book The Turning Point, best-selling author and visionary Gregg Braden merges his expertise in leading-edge science with present-day realities to reveal the strategies for embracing stressful change in our lives. This updated edition contains an all-new chapter not included in the original release, featuring material on the surprising discovery of brain-like cells—sensory neurites—located within the human heart, and the role they play in creating personal resilience. The powerful heart-brain connection made possible by these cells is now recognized as a portal to the deepest levels of our intuition, as well as a gateway to the subconscious mind.

Inner Engineering

Inner Engineering is a fascinating read, rich with Sadhguru’s insights and his teachings. If you are ready, it is a tool to help awaken your own inner intelligence, the ultimate and supreme genius that mirrors the wisdom of the cosmos’—Deepak Chopra In his revolutionary new book, visionary, mystic and yogi Sadhguru distils his own experiences with spirituality and yoga and introduces the transformational concept of Inner Engineering. Developed by him over several years, this powerful practice serves to align the mind and the body with energies around and within, creating a world of limitless power and possibilities. Inner Engineering is your own software for joy and well-being.

Mystic’s Musings

A compilation of the Mystic Eye and Essential Wisdom from a Spiritual Master. In this book, Sadhguru, a mystic of unfathomable proportions intrigues the reader as he dwells upon life, death, rebirth, suffering, karma and the journey of the Self. In a manner that is candid, audacious and unpretentious, he shatters conventional definitions of morality, religion and spirituality and provokes the reader to delve into spaces that are not for the faint-hearted. “A book for the thirsty. It is a glimpse of an oasis for someone willing to rise above the intellect and move towards the fountainhead of knowing through the wisdom of an enlightened master.”– the Times of India. “Meeting Sadhguru has been the defining moment of my life, changing my perspective on how to look at life and its challenges. Mystic’s Musings is a beautiful compilation of some of Sadhguru’s essential wisdom.”– Ravi Venkatesan, Former Chairman, Microsoft India “Mystic’s Musings makes fascinating, thought-provoking, inspiring reading and starts a pilgrimage to the very core of one’s existence.”– D.R. Karthikeyan, Former Director General, Central Bureau of Investigation and National Human Rights Commission


One can make any emotion into a creative force in ones life.? Sadhguru

It?s not just poetic license that allows us to refer to emotions as juicy. In a literal sense also, emotions are a chemical cocktail that course through our bodies. But while we have no problems with pleasant emotions, unpleasant emotions are the source of much angst in our lives. In Emotion: The Juice of Life, Sadhguru looks at the gamut of human emotions and how to turn them into stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks.

Sadhguru is a yogi and profound mystic of our times. An absolute clarity of perception places him in a unique space in not only matters spiritual but in business, environmental and international affairs and opens a new door on all that he touches.

Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga

Shi-va’ is ‘that which is not’, a primordial emptiness; Shiva is also the first-ever yogi, Adiyogi, the one who first perceived this emptiness. Adiyogi is symbol and myth, historic figure and living presence, creator and destroyer, outlaw and ascetic, cosmic dancer and passionate lover, all at once.A book like no other, this extraordinary document is a tribute to Shiva, the Adiyogi, by a living yogi; a chronicle of the progenitor of mysticism by a contemporary mystic. Here science and philosophy merge seamlessly, so do silence and sound, question and answer–to capture the unspeakable enigma of Adiyogi in a spellbinding wave of words and ideas that will leave one entranced, transformed.

Autobiography of a Yogi

Autobiography of a Yogi is the story of the life of Paramahansa Yogananda (January 5, 1893?March 7, 1952) first published in 1946. Born as Mukunda Lal Ghosh in Gorakhpur, India, into a Bengali family, this book takes the reader on a journey into the life of Paramahansa Yogananda and his encounters with spiritual figures of both the East and West. Beginning from his childhood, his family life, to finding his guru and becoming a monk and establishing his teachings of Kriya Yoga meditation, this book allows the reader to see the spiritual yearning of the man and how he realizes that over the years. It draws on both his personal experiences?anecdotes and meetings with eminent spiritual personalities, his association with nineteenth-century master Lahiri Mahasaya who had prophesized the writing of this book?as well as how he travels across America lecturing and establishing his teachings in Los Angeles, California. Autobiography of a Yogi is an introduction to the methods of attaining God-realization and emphasizes the value of Kriya Yoga and a life of self-respect, calmness, determination, simple diet and regular exercise. It has been in print for the last seventy years and has been translated into over forty languages. It has been highly acclaimed as a spiritual classic and is designated as one of the ?100 Most Important Spiritual Books of the 20th Century.

For the Benefit of Many

Since the early 1980s, there has been an astonishing increase in the number of Vipassana centers in India and around the world. After experiencing efficacy of technique themselves, many old students selflessly contributed in the spread of Vipassana meditation. Working in many different capacities, they have served for the welfare of many.

Sayagyi U Ba Khin Journal

This journal commemorates U Ba Khin’s exemplary life and teaching. It contains a selection of his discourses, and biographical sketches of his life and the lives of the teachers who preceded him. Included are essays about his noteworthy career by his renowned disciple, S.N. Goenka, as well as articles on different aspects of the Vipassana technique. Also included are a sampling of Pali research papers from the Vipassana Research Institute; descriptions of the Vipassana meditation centers under Goenkaji’s direction; and essays and testimonials by assistant teachers and students of Vipassana.


‘The Clock of Vipassana has struck’ is a tribute to Sayagyi U Ba Khin, teacher of Mr. S. N. Goenka and an outstanding civil servant from Myanmar. His accomplishments, in two usually incompatible…

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment​

“The Power of Now” is a spiritual guidebook written by Eckhart Tolle that aims to help readers achieve inner peace and enlightenment. The book encourages readers to focus on the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Tolle argues that this mindset can help individuals overcome negative thoughts and emotions, leading to a more fulfilling and joyful life. The book also explores the concept of the ego and how it can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential.


Satyarth Prakash: Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Satyarth Prakash, meaning “The Light of Truth,” is a seminal work by Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj movement. The book presents a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of Vedic philosophy and Hinduism, emphasizing the importance of reason, logic, and scriptural authority in understanding religious doctrines. Satyarth Prakash also advocates for social and religious reform, including the abolition of caste system, promotion of gender equality, and the rejection of idol worship. Through its clear and rational arguments, the book has had a significant impact on the development of modern Hinduism and continues to be a source of inspiration for many.

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